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5ml Disposable Virus Collection Tubes

  • 5ml Disposable Virus Collection Tubes


5ml Disposable Virus Collection Tubes

5ml disposable virus collection tubes are small plastic tubes designed for the safe and secure collection, transportation, and storage of virus samples. These tubes are typically made of materials such as polypropylene, which is resistant to a wide range of chemicals and solvents, and can withstand high temperatures.
The tubes are sealed with a screw cap or snap cap to prevent any leakage of the sample during transport and storage. The tubes are also sterile to prevent any contamination of the sample.
These tubes are commonly used in medical and research settings for the collection and testing of virus samples. They are also used in diagnostic laboratories to store and transport patient samples for testing.
When using these tubes, it is important to follow proper protocols and procedures to ensure the safe handling and disposal of the tubes and any associated materials, such as gloves or other protective equipment.


Number Product details Product size Packaging method Carton size cm/quantity
HKA0501 5ml sampling tube 16*60mm Tube cap dispensing Tube:63*37*41cm/4000pcs
